Becoming a cats4earth ambassador
It is estimated that 200 Million cats living in households worldwide. Our goal with cats4earth is, to collaborate with cats worldwide in “going green”, and reducing our carbon “paw print”, because we do believe that the little things can bring a change too. For example change in our felines households and in daily routines.

Are you a cat owner? Do you have a social media channel and do you like taking photos or videos of your cat? If yes, we invite you to join us and become a cats4earth ambassador.
Please participate at our cats4earth contest and campaigns and post a video of your cat with an environmental message.
Please post your photo or video under the hashtag #cats4earth on Instagram and send us your video via direct message! The best contributions will be featured in our network AND THE VERY BEST WILL BE INVITED TO JOIN US AS AMBASSADORS!
This can be a photo or video about avoiding plastic packaging, a post against the use of insecticides, a post for clean water and for alternative energies or in general a photo or video that shows us the beauty of nature. Your cat should always be part of the photo or video. We will pick the best posts and feature them on our cats4earth ambassador network.

Let’s go viral for our planet
We are the community with the largest reach of viral videos in the world. So, let’s unite to bring change and go green! There are so many brands and companies out there and cats are promoting them with funny videos or beautiful photography. But we believe that the most important brand in the world is nature itself. Nature gives us more than any other brand or company ever could. Nature gives us air to breath, water to drink, food to eat and joy from- the smell of flowers to the sound of birds and bees to the magical colors of a sunset and so much more.

Purrlease, take your camera and shoot some pawsome videos or photos from your cat with an environmental message and post it on your Instagram account and send it to us via a direct message on Instagram: